Professional Insurance & Financial Services was founded in 1988 by President & CEO, John Warren. This statement, taken from a recent HR seminar taught by John Warren, sums up what Professional Insurance & Financial Services is all about. "I spent over a decade in management of small to midsize heavy manufacturing companies," says Warren." One of my biggest headaches was in the area of Human Resource/Employee Benefits. Insurance premiums were one of the largest line-items, next to salaries, on my costs sheets. A good portion of mine and my managers' time was spent in dealing with employee benefit issues: Insurance claims, enrollments, etc.. Employees were always complaining about their benefits, and most had not an inkling of an idea about what the costs were to their employer. Rate increases were regular and constant. A steady stream of insurance agents and brokers filled my lobby, each one wanting to tell me that his/hers was the best and least expensive. We tried the consultant route, and found that most of the time, they wanted a five-figure fee to tell me to buy from their agent/broker buddies."
"I was at my desk one day, pouring over insurance proposals, and thought,' I wish there was someone somewhere that I could pay to tell me what is the best course of action to take. Someone who knew everything there was to know about employee benefits.' The more I thought about it, the more convinced I was of the need for such a service, and decided who better to provide it than me. I acquired my license, and went to work studying everything I could about this industry. I called my former colleagues, competitors, vendors and customers, and told them about the concept I had created. Those companies are still my clients today."
Warren goes on: " I don't work for any insurance company;instead, I work for my client. I don't measure my success by commission dollars earned, or by consulting fees received; rather, I measure my success in the dollars saved, employees retained, and recruiting power of my clients."
Professional Insurance & Financial Services would like to help you and your company. We can be either your broker or your consultant. We can design plans for you, or shop the market for the plan that you already utilize. We can prepare bid specs, and do bid analysis. We can work with your current broker, if desired, to help them help you better. We will help you outsource many of your current HR tasks, dramatically reducing cost and freeing-up time for HR staff. We can make innovative software systems available to you at a fraction of the cost our competitors charge. Contact us and find out why Professional Insurance & Financial Services enjoys an over 95% retention rate with our clients.